Types of Online Examination Systems | nishikantsinha.com


Different Exam Types – Different Approaches

  • Essay Exams
  • Multiple Choice Exams
  • Open-Book And Take-Home Exams
  • Problem Or Case-Based Exams

Essay Exam Tips

The Essay Exam has its origins in the old school education system; your great granddad most likely had to do these exams, so they have been around for a long while now. The very first thing to tell anyone about this exam is that you should have a basic idea of the structure & content of the essay before you start writing. In other words, do some juggling in your mind before you even begin to write.

Online Examination

This may sound strange, but you should seriously stop writing when you run out of things to say, and not just write to fill up another page. Trust us, the examiner will not be happy if they have to read through pages of gobbledygook when arriving at the end of your essay. A shorter, more meaningful, answer won’t be a reason behind you losing your marks. It may in fact earn you some. In other words, talk to the point with the examiner when writing on paper in an essay exam.

Multiple Choice Online Examination Tips

It is another common exam type that asks you to answer multiple choice questions or MCQ’s as they are known. To be precise, these exams really test your ability to recall & connect the correct information to the question. As in most cases you have to pick the correct answer from a series of statements provided. It presents to you a more real life situation where you are given a number of choices and asked to choose the correct one, applying your wisdom.

The best advice to succeed in these types of exams is to attend every lecture, and over the course of a year you will begin to find in your own mind the best answer to the MCQ’s you take in the summer. Need more help, online tools like study flashcards can help you create content that is easy to access.

Open Book and Take Home Exam Tips

Open Book and Take Home Exam are somewhat different compared to the exam types mentioned above. As they don’t ask you to revise in the same way as a more traditional exam. But with the freedom of you having access to your notes & to your text books the examiners expectations from you are obviously high. They expect answers that are more detailed and content than they would in a closed book exam. To score better in such exams you should have all your relevant notes and texts organised, all in one place before you start answering the questions. Because it makes no sense to have an open book exam if you can’t even find the right book on the day of the exam!

Problem or Case Based Online Examination Tips

Problem or case based exams are really meant to get the best out of your analytical skills, and let examiners know how well you can evaluate, respond & deal with certain problems or situations. These types of exams are meant to simulate a possible real life situation. This exam tests the way your brain works rather than how much information you have. After all, you could be an expert on the theory of brain surgery, but you might have no idea when the time comes to conduct one.

To talk in simple words, this type of exam is really testing how well you can think on your feet & how skilled you are at applying your knowledge when faced with a specific set of circumstances. If you just pen down everything you know in a list, you will fail this type of exam, as that is not what examiners in this type of Online Examination Systems are looking for.

Source URL: https://www.nishikantsinha.com/blog/types-of-online-examination-systems/


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